Baja Aerospace Cluster

© 2024 Cluster Baja Aerospace, All rights reserved.

An internationally recognized entity supporting and servicing the aerospace industry.

Baja California, a state with global talent in the aerospace sector, expertise in aeronautics and space, accredited SMEs supply chain value and over five decades seniority in word-class management.

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We are a dynamic and energized group of passionate aerospace enthusiasts with a well established network in the aerospace industry worldwide.

GET TO KNOW US Aerospace Cluster of Baja California

Baja Aerospace is a non-profit civil association. It is comprised of a group of mature and diversified companies in the aeronautical and aerospace sector. Its mission is to promote the development and advancement of the industry by fostering collaboration and innovation in these areas. Through its network of affiliated companies, Baja Aerospace aims to drive sustainable growth and excellence in the aerospace field, thereby contributing to technological and economic progress in this industry.

Our Industry Segments

Commercial Aviation

Transforming global travel with safe and efficient air transportation services.


Strengthening national security through cutting-edge aerospace technology and defense systems.


Pushing boundaries and exploring the vastness of the universe through innovative space missions and satellite deployments.


Revolutionizing industries with versatile unmanned aerial vehicles for various applications, from delivery services to aerial photography.

MRO (Maintenance and repair)

Ensuring aircraft safety and reliability through expert maintenance, repair, and overhaul services.

Logistic Air Cargo

Facilitating fast and secure transport of goods worldwide, connecting businesses and consumers efficiently.

Extreme Aerial Sports

Thrilling adrenaline-filled experiences through exhilarating aerial sports activities, pushing the boundaries of human capabilities.

Our model is The Triple Helix which advocates for a close collaboration between academia, industry, and government to promote innovation and economic development.

Baja Aerospace Model

Aerospace Industry in Baja California

The development of the aerospace industry in Baja California originated over four decades ago with manufacturing activities. Currently, Baja California is one of the most important federal entities for the Mexican aerospace industry.


The most transited border in the world

Second national place with the highest number of foreign companies

First national place in the ITESM competitive structure index

The second entity with the most open economy in the country

First place nationally in Aerospace Sector Companies

Jobs created in Baja California in 2021


certified companies


Export value in 2021

Billion USD

AfterWork Empresarial

Evento generosamente ofrecido por la Universidad Xochicalco

28 Jun 2024

El proceso de sanación nacional

Por: Tomas Sibaja / Presidente Clúster Aeroespacial de Baja California

26 Jun 2024

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La mejora continua en la vida diaria no se trata solo de grandes cambios, sino de pequeñas mejoras constantes que conducen a un crecimiento personal significativo. INTERNATIONAL LEAN SIX SIGMA en alianza con Cluster aeroespacial de BC , te invita a participar de esta Master Class totalmente gratuita , 🗓️Fecha: Sábado 13 de julio 🕙Horario: 10:00 am a 12:00 pm Hora del centro de México 💻Modalidad: Virtual en vivo INSCRIBITE:➡️ IMPORTANTE : 24 horas antes de iniciar la sesión te enviaremos un correo o whatsApp con la liga de zoom para que puedas conectarte a la clase.


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